Wednesday, August 29, 2007

When I started at FSU I did not really have any computer experience. I kind of just learned what I had to so that I could do my classroom assignments and get good grades. Then, last spring I took a CGS class and learned all about Microsoft and cool stuff I can use on my computer. I have a Mac, so lately I've been getting into GarageBand and all the photo options it offers me. And of course I use my iTunes!! So I'm hoping what I learned in my CGS class will help me to do well in this EME class.

I hope to be able to take what I learn and apply it to the classroom. I want to teach high school, and I think it would be a great way to get students excited about what they are learning in the classroom. We also talked about in class how we could use blogs to connect with parents outside the classroom, which seems like a great idea. In all my education classes, professors stress parent involvement, and this seems like a great way to keep parents involved in the classroom and their students performance.

Today, I learned that my learning style is Active which means when I do not feel like I learned everything I need to know, I can accomplish that through studying out of class. I am also a Sensory learner, which means I can learn better with information that connects to the real world. Theories and ideas do not really work well with me!! Which makes sense, because I always find Philosophy classes hard to understand what is going on. I am also a Visual learner, I like to see things laid out so that I know exactly what is expected of me and I know when things must be completed by. Lastly, I am a sequential learner, so when teachers jump around I tend to have difficulty following the class.